Gaudy Guacamole with Georgia Peaches – Best in the “World”

Gaudy Guacamole Camping RecipeAbout 500 years before avocado toast, the Aztecs made ahuaca-mulli, which is basically what we know as guacamole. It has taken me at least 15 years to perfect this recipe, and it is absolutely my family’s favorite snack to prepare and eat in the afternoons at the campground. The secret is in the seasoning, and keeping it a bit chunky and fun. Too many guacs lack spirit and spunk, and look like baby food. Every now and then minimalism is not best. If you don’t believe me, just drive your golf cart around The Fort during December, and notice how you are actually delighted with the tawdry overabundance of campsite decor.  Continue reading “Gaudy Guacamole with Georgia Peaches – Best in the “World””