Fort Wilderness by the Month and 2023 Crowd Calendar


Even though it can feel as though getting a reservation at Disney’s Fort Wilderness is nearly impossible, this is only true for a few weeks of the year. As Disney has shifted its pricing models, no longer is summer necessarily among the most crowded times. In fact, the Fort can be astonishingly quiet (except for weekends) in the last weekdays of July. And Fort crowds do not necessarily correlate to park crowds. For example, there are snowbirds who spend weeks in Fort Wilderness in the winter. Likewise, the Fort has become (somewhat unfortunately) one of the hottest places to be in all of Florida on Halloween. Continue reading “Fort Wilderness by the Month and 2023 Crowd Calendar”

20 Wild-Side Christmas Gifts for Fort Wilderness Campers

As one with decades of experience accumulating and later discarding things I didn’t really need, I’ve spent quite a bit of time curating the perfect Disney camper list. These run the gamut of budget friendly to a little indulgent, but I’ve avoided sheer extravagance (brand new Airstreams and Disney annual passes, for example). Please note that I am an Amazon affiliate, and will earn a small commission on any Amazon items that you purchase through these links. This helps to slightly tame the expense of maintaining this site.

Active Life LED Bike Fairy Lights with Batteries

When I was a kid, this would have been at the top of my list. I remember how proud of was of the little plastic ones with zero lights that turned into some sort of rainbow the faster I went. I’m loving the stylishness of these (lots of different colors), but really the practicality of the safety and visibility. Looping just got a whole lot brighter. Note that one set is for one wheel – I would want two sets in two different colors. [Affiliate link.] Continue reading “20 Wild-Side Christmas Gifts for Fort Wilderness Campers”

Holiday Campsite Decor at the Fort – A Whole Lot of Fun and a Little Bit of Tacky

Fort Wilderness Tacky Holiday DecorHolidays are the best in Fort Wilderness, mainly because you can spend hours on a golf cart riding the loops and seeing the lights. Disney actually encourages this, and mainly requires that folks keep the decor on their own sites and away from the roads and paths. People tend to follow these rules. The rules that get broken are only those of refined sensibility, exterior design, and subtlety. The point here seem to be as outlandish, garish, and gaudy as possible. And that’s what makes it so fun. Nothing will get you in the holiday spirit faster than realizing you don’t have to keep up with Martha Stewart or Chip & Joanna. Seriously, this is the best way to feel like a kid again.

most extravagant

The most visited and instagrammed and vlogged site of 2018 was likely the one in Loop 700 with Cinderella’s theme. It was complete with a full-size, lighted carriage and a built castle that you could walk into. Nothing else came close to this one.

Most Extravagant Wilderness Campsite Deco

most GAUDY

Continue reading “Holiday Campsite Decor at the Fort – A Whole Lot of Fun and a Little Bit of Tacky”