It’s May Madness at Fort Wilderness as WDW Lists Final Four Approved RV Rental Companies

Like a bolt out of the blue, everything is changing with RV rentals at Fort Wilderness. And we should have seen it coming as there have been plenty of hints. There have been years of complaints about poor-quality or unclean RVs being delivered by some vendors to Fort Wilderness. Add to this numerous incidents and injuries caused by golf carts. So, earlier this week, Walt Disney World basically said “no more.” No longer can you rent an RV and have it delivered to the Fort by just any old Buddy Bob or Country Judy. Walt Disney World announced that only four approved vendors are allowed to deliver and set up an RV for you at Fort Wilderness. They are:
  • Kissimmee-Orlando RV
  • Escape RV
  • Meacham’s
  • Ohana
And this goes into effect June 1, 2024. That’s less than a month from now.   But what if you already got a nifty discount from a company not on the list? Can you still rent from them? Possibly, but you’re going to have to meet off site, drive it in yourself, and set it up yourself. Companies Can No Longer Rent Golf Carts to Fort Wilderness Guests One of the cool things about RV rentals was that you could rent a cart from these companies. And usually for less than Disney charges for their often sold-out rentals. It was a low-hassle deal. And some companies had cute little themed ones. But alas, the Mouse noticed that there were too many golf carts and wanted to do something about rampant obesity among its guests the potential safety issues. Why Does Disney finally Care? Why Now?
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3 thoughts on “It’s May Madness at Fort Wilderness as WDW Lists Final Four Approved RV Rental Companies

  1. It’s about time Disney started enforcing rules at the Fort. Next they need to go after underage golf cart operators …

  2. I am highly upset that I booked a camper for September and paid in full in February unaware of the changes that were coming. I was told I would not be refunded the money I paid even though I paid to have the camper set up there along with a golf cart. It would have been nice to know all of this before hand. The camper person that took our money we saved all year knowing this was going to happen. It is sad to also know that roughly 300 other people that booked with the same company will also be out of their money and trip due to some of us not being able to afford to book another place. I really felt terrible telling my daughter that we would not be going now due to the fact that I was not getting my money back so I could have put it towards booking another place. I really feel sad for all the kids that were expecting to go to Disney only to have their dreams crushed and to the parents that have to deal with their children being sad about not being able to go as if the parents don’t feel horrible enough. The company that isn’t refunding the people that prepaid should be ashamed of themselves and I feel it isnt fair of the people that didn’t know this before hand that now they can’t go to the most magical place on earth. I believe Disney should honor the people that prepaid and let them stay for not just the people but also Disney. If they aren’t at Disney they can’t be spending their money there. Everyone loves going to Disney no matter how old u are and this is really a huge let down to everyone that was blind sided.

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