Old-Fashioned Southern Tea Cakes

When I think of my childhood Christmas, it’s the smell of tea cakes that takes me back to the small-town white 1930s house where I grew up. Of course, they really aren’t cakes at all, but delicate, buttery cookies that aren’t as golly-jolly sweet as a traditional sugar cookie. Continue reading “Old-Fashioned Southern Tea Cakes”

Tomatocumber Dollars and a Debonair Savannah Wedding on a Dime

Tomato Woosa Dollars

Nothing makes a mama’s heart warmer than seeing her only daughter happily celebrating a milestone wedding anniversary. Fit for the little wilderness princess that she is, her wedding was the crown jewel of my many years of hosting southern shindigs and soirees. Best of all, I saved about $15,000 by securing creative venues and making most of the pretentious spread myself. Continue reading “Tomatocumber Dollars and a Debonair Savannah Wedding on a Dime”