Master’s Pimiento Cheese (Recipe) and the Fairytale Redemption of Tiger Woods

pimiento cheese

Even more magical than a fairy tale where good triumphs over evil is the redemption of one’s own weakest and darkest times. Unlike Tiger Woods, whose transgressions and physical ailments became an open book upon which we could all gawk and judge, most of ours are safely locked away, occasionally appearing on those nights when sleep eludes us. Today’s win by Tiger Wood is a win for anyone who has ever faced deep regret caused by one’s own shadow  – or despair resulting from mortal limitations. As I become older, I learn that there is a Tiger is just about every one of us. Yet some give up, succumb to self-torment, never understanding that within the battle with oneself lies the very purpose of life itself.

A Win for All of us

Tiger Woods
(Image – US Federal Government, public domain)

I’ve been at Augusta National in person on multiple occasions to see Tiger take the green jacket, but I had other events this weekend, and my husband took a good friend. As I made a pimiento cheese sandwich for my daughter as we watched the final holes, I realized that this win was truly like no other. Tears welled up as I saw Tiger’s face change from the grumpy-worried look he carries into a broad grin of glorious absolution.

the top of the mountain

It reminded me of the day I graduated with a doctorate degree back in the mid-2000s, having beat so many odds – some self-imposed and some not. I thought of my late grandmother and how education was everything she wanted for me. I remembered how we argued so much when I was a teen, and the times that I was a defiant disappointment, unable to navigate her demanding and critical nature. She was terribly imperfect, and so was I – and such is life. But on that graduation day, I overwhelmingly felt that she was with me. And I knew that my long, long path over mountains that had mountains was complete.

After our in-house celebration with Tiger’s win, I took to Twitter to see if others were also sensing that this was more than another green jacket and a tidy sum of money for Tiger.

the rise after the fall

Disney CEO Bob Iger (@robertiger) tweeted, “Great to see the mighty who have fallen rise up again.” (April 14, 2019, 11:33 am).

And former president Barack Obama (@BarackObama) wrote, “Congratulations, Tiger! To come back and win the Masters after all the highs and lows is a testament to excellence, grit, and determination.” (April 14, 2019, 11:44 am).

Indeed, no victory is sweeter than the one that comes after years of struggle, challenge, and self-reflection.

every sinner is a saint

tigerGolf is unique in that it shows us that the ultimate competition is only with ourselves. It’s not man versus nature, or even man versus man. It’s also the understanding that the success of others is worth celebrating, and does not alter our own success or lack thereof. And such is the church potluck, where every pie and casserole seems to be a winner. It’s a time that we share the best of our bounty with other sinners, and the sharing of homemade food can be a remarkable path to healing (usually far more than the church service itself, in my view).

For several years, I have been successful in creating a pimiento cheese that is very similar and absolutely and delish as the one of the original Master’s Golf tournament. Yesterday, I decided to try something different. I used Tillamook sharp cheddar instead of medium cheddar. It just wasn’t quite right, and I realized that I had fallen into some sort of strange cooking self-doubt.  I was thinking of all of the newer recipes with bacon and jalapenos, and trying to keep up with a challenge that does not even exist. Maybe a waste of time, but then again – a lesson learned.

the masterful humility of pimiento cheese

I think there’s a reason that homemade pimiento cheese sandwiches are the most famous staple at Augusta National. It’s not only because it is a classic southern food, but also in that it is a simple mix of humble and sometimes-maligned ingredients that have combined to redeem themselves in a masterpiece. And such is the case of Tiger Woods, the Augusta National, and our journey on this planet.

This is my classic pimiento cheese sandwich recipe that is very difficult to distinguish from the 1990s Master’s version. For camping, I like to skillet-fry it in butter like a grilled cheese, with a large slice of tomato added prior to grilling.

pimiento cheese
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Pimiento Cheese Sandwiches like Master's Golf Tournament

Prep Time25 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Servings: 12
Calories: 270kcal


  • 8 oz medium cheddar cheese in block form
  • 8 oz colby monterrey jack cheese in block form
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise Blue Plate please
  • 4 oz pimientos, diced
  • 1/4 tsp onion, grated
  • 1/8 tsp mustard powder
  • 1/8 tsp lemon juice
  • 24 slices white bread I use Wonder Bread


  • The overall taste of any pimiento cheese recipe will depend on the cheese and mayo used. It's critically important not to use pre-grated, and to avoid grating the cheese in a food processor (this makes it too mushy). Begin by hand grating the cheeses into a large bowl. 
  • Next rinse and drain the pimientos. And dry them with a paper towel. This is one of the most important steps! 
  • Add the mayonnaise (use Blue Plate - Duke's and Hellman's do not provide the best flavor for a Master's-like pimiento cheese). Stir in the onion, mustard powder, pimientos and lemon juice. 
  • For easier spreading on sandwiches, I sometimes, spread the slightest amount of mayonnaise on the bread before spreading the pimiento cheese on.
  • My favorite camping variation is a grilled version (prepared like grilled cheese) with a slice of tomato (added before grilled). 


Calories: 270kcal | Carbohydrates: 16.1g | Protein: 11.3g | Fat: 18.1g | Saturated Fat: 8.8g | Cholesterol: 44mg | Sodium: 463mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3.9g


Related: Princess Guide to Masters Golf Tournament: 7 Things to Know

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